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Showing posts from February, 2023

Which is better online vs offline glasses stores?

Now that online shopping is so common, online glasses prescription has also become a common phenomenon, but the pros and cons of online glasses prescription have been discussed all the time, and there is no accurate statement. Optical glasses in offline stores are too expensive and troublesome. In general, which is better, online glasses or offline glasses stores? Price comparison First of all, many people choose online shopping because the price of glasses in offline stores is too high, but although the prices in offline stores are high, there are many pre-sales and after-sales services. In the offline store, the optometrist will recommend suitable lenses for you based on your eye degrees, eye habits, and vision needs. On the other hand, online glasses basically require you to obtain your own vision prescription before you can choose the lenses corresponding to the prescription information. Comparison of the services If you have problems with the glasses when you try them on in an of

How to wear glasses and still show the beauty of makeup?

How to wear glasses and still show the beauty of makeup? Today I bring a big trick to beauties troubled by matching accessories. I believe that people often notice this kind of plot: the heroine usually wears glasses before she looks ugly, and takes off her eyes after she becomes beautiful. Every TV series is telling us that if you want to be beautiful, start by taking off your glasses! In fact, this is not the case. There are many celebrities who are as beautiful as wearing glasses! In many cases, glasses have become their essential dazzling accessories! Wearing glasses will not prevent you from becoming beautiful, it is just choosing the wrong glasses! How to choose the glasses that suit you? Vooglam's answer: Knowing the real you, if you want to wear glasses and still look beautiful, you must first choose the right frame that suits your face shape ! Round face The round face is characterized by round cheeks, an arched forehead, a wide, round chin, and a round feeling in general.

Why is the best time for optometry in the morning?

Many myopia patients don't pay attention to the timing of glasses when they get glasses. There is a good time for optometry and choosing glasses, that is, in the morning, after a full night's rest, the eyes have been completely relaxed. The result will be more accurate. When is the best time to get glasses ? According to optometry experts, the best time to get glasses is in the morning. Morning optometry is more accurate After a full night's rest, the eyes can be completely relaxed, and the optometry results are more accurate at this time. If you choose to wear glasses when your eyes are tired, the optometry result may be high. This is because the eyes mainly rely on the contraction and relaxation of the ciliary muscle to adjust the focal length by pulling the thickness of the lens when seeing different objects from far and near. If the eye is used for a long time, the ciliary muscle is in a state of fatigue, and the optometry result is not accurate. Wearing such glasses ma

5 ways to keep your eyes away from computer radiation

Who is the biggest enemy of eyes health? You must have never thought that the answer is: computer radiation! The World Health Organization Eye Care Association announced: "The potentially hidden threat of computer radiation to white-collar workers far exceeds the destructiveness of chemical substances such as Sudan red and melamine. , has harmed people's eyes virtually!" Cases of vision loss, cataracts, and even blindness due to computer radiation are not uncommon. Eye radiation protection is imperative and urgent! Radiation can cause eye problems If you face the computer for a long time, your eyes will have a lot of unspeakable pain. Now please listen to the "accusation" of your eyes for ocular edema: the rays in the computer screen will affect the lens and cornea, and symptoms of edema will appear. Dry eye syndrome: When working, white-collar workers stare at the screen motionlessly, and the reduction in the number of blinks directly leads to less and less wat